Atco Inc. has over 30 years of experiences in hand tool and automotive tool specialized field. We are located in Taichung-the heart of Taiwan. 90% hand tool and automotive tool manufacturers are located in Taichung area; hence Atco is able to achieve easy fast contacts with a wide range of factories with whom we have built up strong relations with over the years, which allows us to fulfill your requirements promptly and professionally. 最專業的手工具汽修工具—協承貿易股份有限公司是台灣汽修五金業界的先趨。 由於一貫堅持高品質產品與合理價位;加上不斷開發新產品,迄今種類不僅已逾百種,品項更多達千餘項,不僅在台灣五金市埸佔有一席之地,並出口至多個國家,於國際市場嶄露頭角。 多年來,本公司秉持「品質、誠信、專業與服務」的經營理念,在國內五金市場慢慢成長茁壯,佔舉足輕重地位,且觸角已延伸至東南亞國家,正朝著世界各地邁進,堪稱為國內最具規模和最專業的汽修五金工具貿易商。
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